So, I'm really REALLY pleased to announce that in the very near future I'll be releasing a volume of selected images from my postcard series (year one) as well as related work. The book will be a square format 8"x8", 60 pages, and limited to 150 s/n copies. The books are going to be available late July (I'll have them for San Diego Comic Con) but I'm now taking pre-orders. Pre-order copies are priced at $20 each (plus shipping). Why pre-order you ask? Well...
*The first 50 orders will also receive an original sketch (similar to the ones below) tucked inside*
Honestly, I'm just really excited about this. I've been having so much fun doing these paintings and it makes me so happy to see them compiled into this book. They'll be back from the printers in mid-July, orders will ship asap.
click here to reserve a copy

I'm in, this is no brainer :).
Dude... I hate being so poor...
by the way
Don´t ever stop painting, you are a great inspiration for me
Preordered!!! As always, your work is incredible. Glad you're putting it in book form!
any way to order more than 1 at a time? When I chose PayPal it defaulted to 1 copy.
Hey, thanks everyone! The quantity issue has been fixed, it should let you order multiple copies without extra shipping, let me know if it's still a problem
yo dave! :D nice.. i gotta pre order this!
Hey David ,
Just wanted to pop in and say I love you stuff, been looking at it for some time.Congrads on the awesome book!
Hey, David! You'll be signing one for me, too!
Nice work, man!
these are amazing!!
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