Also, Quickie preorders shipped on Monday! They're on their way to the four corners of the globe, thanks again to all who preordered!

And finally, I'll be taking part in a group show at the London Miles Gallery
which opens this weekend. I'm really excited to see how it goes, it looks like a good show and I wish that I could be there to see it! The show is called Candy Coateded Canvas and the theme as described: "[art] which is visually extremely colourful and playful, whilst sparking up memories of childhood, sweets, fantasy lands and those naughty but nice pleasures in life."
My two below along with the show ads:

Just got the Quickie book today and it's fantastic! They look even better in print. And I'm really happy to be one of the first 50, the sketch is great. The book is very nice and I hope it has a lot of success. :) Thanks Dave!
Got mine!
Got my copy yesterday - Love it!!! Thanks for putting out such a quality book.
Got mine too! I put a thank you in the ConceptArt.Org thread as soon as I got it. And I'm really happy to be one of the first 50 also!
Congrats Dave and Good Luck at the show.
(I'm too stuffed from a wonderful lunch along the Sound - 3 DESSERTS! - to write more.)
West Seattle
Dave, it was nice talking to you and Scott at the Con. Since I didn't have any finished work, here is a link to some from my blog:
Hey dave, nice meeting you and scott at the Con! keep in touch man! i am a fan of your work, also thanks for the freebie, i am an idiot for not asking you guys to sign it! haha, i just remembered right now, i think in my fear that you guys might change your mind about giving the stuff away, i just left in a hurry, keep up those amazing paintings man, this is some serious talent going on here :D
Man, very awesome, very awesome indeed! Congratulations on the book, sir. Best of luck with the show as well :)
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