15x21, oil on illustration board
So some may remember that last year I did a cover for a collection of zombie stories put out by Night Shade Books called The Living Dead. Though it had originally been a simple matter of convenience, my zombies in that painting were modeled after other artists. Well as luck would have it, I was asked to illustrate the cover for the follow-up and the deadline happened to fall a little after Illuxcon 2, which presented a great opportunity to continue the zombie artist tradition. This time around, my zombies are (counting heads from left to right): Daren Bader (http://www.darenbader.blogspot.com/), Cynthia Sheppard (www.sheppard-arts.com), Ian Miller (http://www.ian-miller.org), Omar Rayyan (http://www.studiorayyan.com), Scott Altman (http://www.scottaltmann.com), Jordu Schell (http://schellstudio.com), Brom (http://www.bromart.com), and Zelda Devon (http://www.teeteringbulb.com)
Thanks again guys :D
Dude, this is freakkin´ great!!
man,this gets me pumped.
Dave, this rocks so hard!!! I can hardly believe how awesome it came out. Will make a fantastic cover - Night Shade is lucky to have you.
Muito legal essa pintura David!
great work man, it´s amazing kind of spooky too, how awesome its paiting zombies? jaja well i will check the other artist too, have a great one bye.
Hahaha this is awesome. My favorite is definitely Jordu. He is definitely an entertaining guy and makes a very nice zombie. Good to see everyone's work again at Illuxcon this year. Another great show!
HA! That's so good. I'm sure they all felt so honored :)
Great piece, man. I think I actually like this one more than the last zombie piece!
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