I've been wrapped up in a number of covers for Dark Horse Comics the past couple of months and am tremendously happy to be able to share the first two. These are part of DH's campaign to re-boot their Aliens line and I can't express how honored I was to be chosen to work on such a project. The 1979 film "Alien" has long been one of my absolute favorite movies and getting to touch that universe in any small way is a real treat. Many more related works to come!

Aliens #1, oil on panel, 16x24 inches. This version is slightly altered from the one which will see print (http://io9.com/see-dark-horses-first-alien-predator-avp-and-prometh-1500505424). After approval of final, I couldn't help myself go back in and adjust some details.
Prometheus #1, oil on panel, 16x24 inches
David, I just received your book and Stephie 7 video,Thank you! What are the differences between a painting like thing and the process that you demonstrate in Stephie 7?
Is that Amanda Ripley on the Aliens cover?
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David, I simply got your book and Stephie 7 video,Thank you! What are the contrasts between an artistic creation like thing and the procedure that you show in Stephie 7?
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