Thursday, November 29, 2007

3rd piece for Small Works

So here's the third and final piece I'm putting into the Small Works show next week. I'd have liked to do one more but I just don't have the time for it. Besides, the clock is ticking on LMS3 and I've barely even begun my piece! Time to get cracking! Oil on illustration board, 6x15:

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Forty Miles of Bad Road

Happy Thanksgiving! Here are some Autumn colors for you :) Another of the pieces for the Small Works show (yikes, in less than two weeks!) at Artists House. Oil on board, 9.5x13

Monday, November 12, 2007

Doc Savage - the Eye of Terror

Here's a brand new piece just finished for a private commission of Doc Savage. I had alot of fun with this one, I hope that it shows :)

Oil on board, 16x24

Sunday, November 4, 2007

New cover for Nightshade Books, new drawing

I just got home from the World Fantsy Convention in Saratoga, NY today and it was probably the most relaxing convention that I've ever been to. The whole thing had a very sleepy atmosphere. Moebius was the guest of honor and I was able to meet him (nicest guy you could imagine) and get a little sketch in my moleskine which was crazy exciting for me!

We spent most of Saturday just hanging out in the art show room and drawing. It was nice to just chill like that and fool about with the other artists (my folks, my brother Tony, Charles Vess, Donato, John Picacio, and some others). I ended up doing some physical pen and ink (as oppose to digi) for the first time in maybe a year or two:

Asside from that it was mostly the typical activities, being lots of hanging out, drinking at the bar, catching up with non-local friends, and meeting awesome people. Not a bad way to spend the weekend at all :)

Also, I just turned in this piece to Night Shade books for an upcomming Harry Turtledove novel which (I think) is called After the Downfall. It was probably the most fun I've had on a painting since this past spring. I mean, how often do you get the chance to paint a Nazi riding on a unicorn?:

Oil on board, 16x24, after Jacques-Louis David's Napoleon Bonaparte Crossing the Alps