For those attending Worldcon in Reno this week, here's my scheduled events:
Wed 16:00 - 17:00, Getting Started in Illustration (Panel), A01+6
Established artists answer questions about the business
side of being an artist: Promoting yourself, building your
portfolio, networking; what are the important steps to get
your foot in the door as an illustrator, and then succeed?
-David Palumbo, Anthony Palumbo, Bob Eggleton, Richard Hescox, John Picacio
Thu 11:00 - 12:00, Collaboration in Game Design: Designers and
Artists (Panel), A01+6 (RSCC)
How does the art influence the design of RPGs and video
-Howard Tayler, Jon Schindehette, David Palumbo, Tom Lehmann, Dave Howell, Tanglwyst de Holloway
Thu 14:00 - 15:00, Vallejo Does Tarot (Panel), A02 (RSCC)
Boris Vallejo and his family have been illustrating their
own marvelous version of a Tarot card deck. Come see for
yourself and hear about this collaborative project.
-Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, Anthony Palumbo, David Palumbo
Thu 19:00 - 20:30, Meet the Artists (Event), Hall 2 Art Show (RSCC)
Here's a chance to talk to the showing artists about their
own work, in the Art Show! All the attending artists who
can make it will be by their displays.
Fri 11:00 - 13:00, Art Portfolio Reviews (Workshop), A18 (RSCC)
Art GoH and Art Directors review portfolios of aspiring
Artists. Advance Registration Required - email
-Jon Schindehette, Lou Anders, Boris Vallejo, David Palumbo, Irene Gallo, Liz Argall
Sat 11:00 - 12:00, Building Your Art Portfolio (Panel), A16 (RSCC)
Whip together all of your art pieces and voila! You have
your art potfolio all ready to go! It's that simple, right?
-Jon Schindehette, David Palumbo, Liz Argall, Lee Moyer, Karen Haber
Sat 11:00 - 12:00, Meet the Artists (Event), Hall 2 Art Show (RSCC)
Here's a chance to talk to the showing artists about their
own work, in the Art Show! All the attending artists who
can make it will be by their displays.
Sat 12:00 - 13:00, Painting for Collectible Card Games (Panel), D03
A lot of amazing artwork goes onto collectible game cards.
What's it like painting for that market? How is it
different from other projects?
-Martina Pilcerova, Jon Schindehette, Kaja Foglio ,David Palumbo
Sat 15:00 - 16:00, Autographing: Sat 15:00 (Autographing), Hall 2
Autographs (RSCC)
-Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo, Anthony Palumbo, David Palumbo, Winona Nelson
Sun 12:00 - 13:00, Marketing Yourself on the Web (Panel), A05
Does web site design still matter in the age of social
media? How should a nontechnical artist or author approach
the question of how to market yourself electronically?
-Lee Moyer, Jon Schindehette, David Palumbo, Mignon Fogarty, Tara O'Shea
Sun 14:00 - 15:00, Book Cover Design: Using Cover Elements to their
Best Advantage (Panel), A04 (RSCC)
There's more to a cover than the artwork: fonts, blurbs,
title and name placement all have a huge impact on the
final effect. How to design book covers that make the best
of their art, author, and other material.
-Lou Anders, David Palumbo, Irene Gallo
See you there!